How to Promote Positive Mental Health at Work

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How to Promote Positive Mental Health at Work

The workplace can sometimes be a source of stress for employees. Creating a positive environment for workers can contribute to overall wellness and productivity. It can increase attendance and decrease the amount of workplace conflict. Here are five ways your company can promote positive mental health in the workplace

Get all staff involved

Ask for feedback and suggestions on how to improve workplace positivity.

Develop a workplace mental health strategy

Make sure your company sets guidelines and parameters to create and sustain a mentally healthy organization.

Ensure all staff are aware of mental health supports

Have resources and memos posted on the company's bulletin board.

Prioritize wellness

Offer healthy options in your vending machines and cafeterias and free or discounted gym memberships.

Encourage work-life balance

Don't expect employees to work extra hours outside of their scheduled time. Offer to let employees leave early on long weekends or Fridays and make sure they take regular holidays.

What are some ways that your organization promotes positive mental health?

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Annie Spratt

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AllGo - An App For Plus Size People 

Kanishka Burnwal 

Clay Banks 

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