Holiday RSS

Budget, Calendars, Christmas, Holiday, Holiday Organization, Holidays, Organized, Time Management -

Pandemic or not, people are starting to prepare for the holidays. While our celebrations might look a lot different this year, there are still things to be done! Here are some ideas on how you can get organized for the holidays!Decide on a budgetBefore you start preparing for the holidays, figure out a realistic budget and stick to it. While holiday parties and events likely won't be happening, make sure you factor in extra costs like shipping for presents. Make a listOnce you have a solid budget, plan your gift list, menus and holiday cleaning. Get your family involved by...

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Christmas, Holiday, Holidays, Plan, Schedule, SmartSheets™, Time Management -

Having a work/life balance is tricky enough as it is. Add in the holidays and everything seems to get three times as hectic. Feeling overwhelmed already? Here are five tips to help you out: Be like Santa and make a listWrite down everything that needs to be done and organize it into sections according to importance and time sensitivity. Make sure to include both work and personal tasks. Remember to delegate This goes for your work and social life! Collaborate with colleagues to get projects completed before the holidays. Hosting a turkey dinner? Ask guests to help you out by...

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